

Rich and intuitive haptic interaction for future computers

  • 1,467
이재연 교수(UNIST) / 2022.04.20

Title : Rich and intuitive haptic interaction for future computers


Jaeyeon Lee is an Assistant Professor in Computer Science and Engineering at UNIST. She earned her B.Eng. in Control Engineering from KwangWoon University and both M.S. in Electrical Engineering and Ph.D. in Computer Science from KAIST. Her research in Human-Computer Interaction focuses on physical user interfaces enabling rich and intuitive haptic interaction on future computers. Her work has been published at premier venues in HCI, including ACM CHI and ACM UIST, and recognized with three paper awards. She has served as an Organizing Committee, Program Committee, and Associate Chair of international conferences, including ACM CHI, ACM MobileHCI, and ACM TEI. She is a recipient of EECS Rising Stars in Korea, GradUS Global Scholarship, NAVER Ph.D. Fellowship.


Computers became small yet powerful enough to be worn and to provide information to the user in daily life. However, interacting with those computers is still challenging, primarily due to their small and rigid form factors. This is problematic since one of the significant reasons for wearing computers is to access information from anywhere in a comfortable way. This talk introduces studies enriching expressivity and natural interactions on small computers using the human sense of touch.


-Meeting ID: 977 5406 0329

-Passcode: 251664

-Link: https://postech-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/97754060329?pwd=TUlkdjlqVGV6U1BiZzl4aEZVL2Y3Zz09

