
컴퓨터공학과 연구분야



CS / Computing Systems

Computing Systems aims to develop and operate various optimal computer systems with consideration of performance, cost, and reliability, from the device level to a large scale computing environment. It is a fundamental field that props up the computer-based IT industry. At the core of its importance lies in-depth knowledge in theory and practice of hardware and software in a large scope.

Computing Systems
교수 실험실 위치 연락처
김광선 Parallel System Architecture (PSA) Lab RIST 4동 4304호 054-279-2912
박은혁 Efficient Computing (Eco) Lab RIST 4동 4304호 054-279-2912
Computer Architecture and Operating Systems (CAOS) Lab RIST 4동 4304호 054-279-2912
박찬익 System Software (SS) Lab 인공지능연구원 423호 054-279-5668
김슬배 Computer Security (CSEC) Lab 인공지능연구원 434호 054-279-2259
전명재 Large-Scale System Platform (OMNIA) Lab RIST 4동 4420호 054-279-2264


NS / Network Systems

Network Systems is an essential field in the modern computer industry in which information is disseminated by many connected computers. Not only that, its increasing role as an infrastructure that supports various fields including BT and NT is ever more important.

Network Systems
교수 실험실 위치 연락처
홍원기 Distributed Processing & Network Management (DPNM) Lab 인공지능연구원 422호 054-279-5641
송황준 Media Computing & Networking (MCN) Lab 제4공학관 106호 054-279-5684
서영주 Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) Lab 인공지능연구원 321호 054-279-5671
황인석 Human-centered Intelligent Systems (HIS) Lab 제4공학관 125호 054-279-2946


SS / Secure Systems

Secure Systems aims to develop techniques for protecting computer systems and networks from the theft or damage to the software and hardware. Its importance is rapidly growing as reliance on computer systems is increasing. The department at POSTECH covers systems security, software security, mobile security, and IoT security.

Computer Security
교수 실험실 위치 연락처
박찬익 System Software (SS) Lab 인공지능연구원 423호 054-279-5668
Computer Security (CSEC) Lab 인공지능연구원 434호 054-279-2259


HCI/ Human-Computer Interaction

HCI studies everything related to two-way communication between users and computers, based on the fact that it is human beings who use computers. It is one of the most exemplary interdisciplinary fields combining computer engineering-based technology with humanitarian studies, which has its basis in psychology, sociology, etc.

Human-Computer Interaction
교수 실험실 위치 연락처
최승문 Interaction (PoInt) Lab 제4공학관 115호 054-279-5661
황인석 Human-centered Intelligent Systems (HIS) Lab 제2공학관 206호 054-279-2946
고성안 Human-AI Interaction and Visualization (HAIV) Lab 제4공학관 107-1호 054-279-2249


NLP / Natural Language Processing

Natural Language Processing (NLP) aims to enable computers to understand, interpret, and generate human language. NLP involves the development and application of Large Language Models (LLMs) for various tasks such as machine translation, summarization, sentiment analysis, question answering, and chatbots.

Natural Language Processing
교수 실험실 위치 연락처
Natural Language Processing (NLP) Lab 인공지능연구원 322호 054-279-5656
유환조 Data Intelligence (DI) Lab RIST4동 4307호 054-279-2941


SP / Software Engineering & Programming Languages

Software Engineering & Programming Languages aims to develop programming languages and software that provide theoretical backgrounds and facilitate communication between the computer and human beings, which are indispensable to computing theory, logic, language theory within the computing environment.

Software Engineering & Programming Languages
교수 실험실 위치 연락처
박성우 Programming Languages (PL) Lab 인공지능연구원 353호 054-279-5878
배경민 Software Verification (SV) Lab 제2공학관 204호 054-279-2916
이원열 Foundations of Programming & Computing (FPC) Lab 인공지능연구원 335호 054-279-2255


VC / Visual Computing

Visual Computing aims to recognize, search, analyze, process, and represent images and videos. It covers a wide variety of subfields including Computer Graphics and Computer Vision. Computer Graphics aims to develop algorithms and techniques that can help create images and videos, and Computer Vision aims to develop algorithms for analyzing images and videos.

Visual Computing
교수 실험실 위치 연락처
Computer Graphics (CG) Lab 인공지능연구원 341호 054-279-5652
Computer Vision (CV) Lab 제2공학관 302호 054-279-2931
Medical Information Processing Lab (MIP) Lab RIST4동 4303호 054-279-2252


DS / Data Science

Data Science aims to recognize, search, analyze, process, and represent data and deliver them effectively to users. Data science has critical importance in today’s IT world where a massive amount of data is generated from a wide variety of sources in many different ways.

Data Science
교수 실험실 위치 연락처
유환조 Data Intelligence (DI) Lab RIST4동 4307호 054-279-2941
한욱신 Data Systems(DS) Lab 제2공학관 202호 054-279-5582
이근배 Natural Language Processing (NLP) Lab 인공지능연구원 322호 054-279-5656
고성안 Human-AI Interaction and Visualization (HAIV) Lab 제4공학관 107-1호 054-279-2249


ML / Machine Learning

Machine Learning aims to develop algorithms that improve automatically through experience. It is a rapidly growing field, which has numerous applications, due to the availability of large datasets and the growth of computing power. The department at POSTECH focuses on both theoretical and practical aspects of machine learning.

Machine Learning
교수 실험실 위치 연락처
Machine Learning (ML) Lab RIST4동 4309호 054-279-5653
이남훈 Computational Optimization (CO) Lab RIST 4동 4427호 054-279-5645
Computer Vision (CV) Lab 제2공학관 302호 054-279-2931
Medical Information Processing Lab (MIP) Lab RIST4동 4303호 054-279-2252
박은혁 Efficient Computing (Eco) Lab RIST4동 4304호 054-279-2912
전명재 Large-Scale System Platform (OMNIA) Lab RIST 4동 4420호 054-279-2264
이원열 Foundations of Programming & Computing (FPC) Lab 인공지능연구원 335호 054-279-2255


TC / Theory of Computing

Theory of Computation aims to understand the nature of computation and analyze fundamental computational problems arising in other fields in Computer Science using mathematical tools. It covers a wide variety of topics including algorithms, data structures, and computational complexity.

Theory of Computing
교수 실험실 위치 연락처
안희갑 Algorithms (ALGO) Lab 제2공학관 208호 054-279-1478
오은진 Theory of Computation (TOC) Lab 인공지능연구원 438호 054-279-2906