

PKI in the Internet Protocols: Routing + PKI = RPKI

  • 1,229
Prof. Taejoong Chung(Virginia Tech) / 2022.07.27


▣ 제목(Title) : PKI in the Internet Protocols: Routing + PKI = RPKI

▣ 연사(Speaker) : Prof. Taejoong (Tijay) Chung (Virginia Tech)

▣ 초청(Host) : Prof. Gwangsun Kim

▣ 일시(Date &Time) : 2022.7.27(Wed.), 11:00 am ~

▣ 장소 (Venue) : Science Building Ⅱ Room 102 (제2공학관 102호)

▣ 언어(Language) : 영어(English)

▣ Zoom URL : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83640459860?pwd=cnU1c2ZGNlZ3YzUzRWtRc1NVSmxJdz09

Zoom ID : 836 4045 9860 Passcode : 812071


Public key infrastructures (PKIs) enable secure communication between different entities over an untrusted network. Due to this ability, PKIs are now central to security on the Internet: large-scale PKIs enable the security guarantees provided by protocols like HTTPS, DNSSEC, and the RPKI. Unfortunately, despite these guarantees, there have been numerous security failures involving these protocols; ultimately, most of these failures are rooted in discordance between how these protocols are designed and how they are actually used in practice.
In this talk, I will first present an overview of how PKI has been evolving the Internet protocols including DNS, HTTP, and BGP. After then, I will focus on a recent security routing protocol, Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) by covering (1) how it works, (2) a technique that leverages the IP-ID side channel to characterize the ROV policy of network operators, which have been notoriously opaque to the public.

Taejoong (Tijay) Chung is an Assistant Professor in the Computer Science department at Virginia Tech. Before joining Virginia Tech, he spent 2 years at RIT as an Assistant Professor and 3 years at Northeastern University as a postdoc. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from Seoul National University in 2015, and BS from POSTECH in 2009. His work focuses on Internet security and Internet measurement. He received the Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS) fellowship (2022), IRTF Applied Networking Research Prize (2019), ACM IMC Distinguished Paper Award (2019), NSF CRII Award (2019), USENIX Security Distinguished Paper Award (2017), and Best Paper Award at IEEE Computer Society (ComSoc) Seoul Chapter (2010).
