

Mobile Computing: Multi-Device Platforms

  • 3,334
신인식 교수(KAIST) / 2019.04.03

*bldg. 2  NO.102/ 16:00~

The growing trend of multi-device ownerships creates a need and an opportunity to use applications across multiple devices. However, in general, the current app development and usage still remains within the single-device paradigm, falling far short of user expectations. In this talk, I will introduce several approaches towards multi-device mobile platforms, in particular, with a focus on M+, an extension of Android that supports cross-device functionality sharing in a transparent manner (MobiSys ’17). As a platform-level solution, M+ enables unmodified Android applications to utilize not only application functionalities but also system functionalities across devices, as if they were to utilize them inside the same device. Our experimental results show that M+ enables transparent cross-device sharing for various functionalities and achieves performance close to that of within-device sharing unless a large amount of data is transferred.

Insik Shin is a professor in the School of Computing at KAIST, Korea, where he is a chief professor of Graduate School of Information Security. He received a Ph.D. degree from the University of Pennsylvania, USA, an MS degree from Stanford University, USA, and a BS degree from Korea University, Korea, all in Computer (& Information) Science. Prior to joining KAIST in 2008, he has been a post-doctoral research fellow at Malardalen University, Sweden, and a visiting scholar at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA. His research interests include real-time embedded systems, systems security, mobile computing, and cyber-physical systems. He serves on program committees of top international conferences, including RTSS, RTAS and ECRTS. He is a recipient of several best (student) paper awards, including RTSS ’03, RTAS 12, and RTSS 12, KAIST Excellence Award, and Naver Young Faculty Award.
