

Machine learning and optimization

  • 1,777
이남훈 교수(POSTECH) / 2022.04.06

Bio: Namhoon Lee is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering and the Graduate School of Artificial Intelligence at POSTECH. Previously, he received his Ph.D. from the University of Oxford and spent a year as an Assistant Professor at UNIST. Throughout his career, he has been privileged to work with many distinguished academics in various places including Oxford, CMU, EPFL, and ANU. His research focuses on advancing machine learning, and his work has been published in top-tier AI conferences.

Abstract: Optimization lies at the heart of many machine learning algorithms. In this talk I will first introduce some examples of machine learning problems where the fundamentals of optimization play key roles and discuss recent progress of how these problems are being addressed.Then I will present some of the ongoing work that my group is currently focusing on for large-scale machine learning problems including sparsity, fairness, and generalization.


-Meeting ID: 977 5406 0329

-Passcode: 251664

-Link: https://postech-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/97754060329?pwd=TUlkdjlqVGV6U1BiZzl4aEZVL2Y3Zz09

