Learning Generalizable and Transferable Representations Across Domains and Modalities
김동현 박사( MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab ) / 2022.08.22
▣ 제목(Title): Learning Generalizable and Transferable Representations Across Domains and Modalities
▣ 연사(Speaker): 김동현 박사( MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab )
▣ 일시(Date&Time): 2022.08.22, Mon, 10:00
▣ 언어(Language): 한국어(Korean)
▣ 장소(Place): 온라인 ( ZOOM )
- ZOOM Meeting ID: 272 257 2466 / PW: 22seminar
- ZOOM Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2722572466?pwd=cDd1dThaZkQxODJld0lWWW8rcHMvUT09