

Interacting with Personal Data through Everyday Tangible Objects

  • 517
박영우 교수(UNIST) / 2023.11.17


People create and consume digital possessions such as photographs, digital music, videos, posts, texts, and documents through smart devices in their daily lives. This behavior has caused an increase in the types and amount of individuals’ accumulated data over time, and storing everything “just in case” has made it difficult for people to organize and retrieve the data. Although cloud services and AI make the revisiting experience easy to navigate for particular themes, digital possessions’ intangible and indiscriminate nature still affects the limited experiences revisiting individuals’ past data. Our research team has investigated ways to provide new designs and interactions using data-driven technologies for meaningful everyday activities, which link to enriching self-reflective experiences. This talk will show his approaches, methods and examples of how people perceive and interact with personal lifelog data (e.g., photos, music listening history, schedules, and reading activity) through everyday artifacts in homes.


Young-Woo Park is an Associate Professor of Design at Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), South Korea. He holds a Ph.D. in Industrial Design from KAIST and was a Postdoc at NASA Ames Research Center. In the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Prof. Park has served as the Program Chair of ACM TEI’22 and has been part of the Papers Program Committee for ACM CHI and DIS. His work has received Honorable Mention at ACM CHI’17 and DIS’19, and has also won top international design awards such as iF, Red Dot, and G Mark for future product design concepts.
