

Inter-personal Computing: Towards Augmented Real-life

  • 1,743
황인석 교수(POSTECH) / 2021.03.17


Today, computers are no longer constrained within boxes and datacenters; they go mobile and ubiquitous, getting extensively interwoven with every facet of our real physical life. They sense, understand, and actuate upon our everyday life so that we, humans, are empowered beyond our natural-born physical and cognitive abilities. Along this new computing horizon, my talk will focus on augmenting our real-life interpersonal interactivity and experiences with sensible and intelligent human-centered mobile computing systems. As social beings we are, real-life interpersonal interaction has been a crucial enabler of many higher-level human activities. I will introduce new life-immersive services that broaden the computational awareness on our fine real-life social dynamics, and more proactively, help us excel in our everyday interpersonal interactions. Therein, I will discuss end-to-end systems challenges and design questions with today’s or near-future life-immersive computing platforms, as well as the unique computing-driven angles that they have newly brought to various real-life social agenda.

Inseok Hwang is an Assistant Professor of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at POSTECH. He obtained his Ph.D. in Computer Science from KAIST in 2013. Before joining POSTECH in 2020, he spent six years as a Research Staff Member at IBM Research – Austin since 2014. His main research theme lies in “computing infusing real-life”, with special focuses on mobile computing, human-centered systems, and applied AI. He is a recipient of the Best Paper Award from ACM CSCW and multiple Best Demo Awards from ACM MobiSys. He has been actively serving on technical program committees and editorial boards of premier venues in mobile and human-centered computing. He is a prolific inventor of 80+ U.S. patents issued to date, in recognition of which he was appointed as an IBM Master Inventor.


ZOOM : https://zoom.us/j/8978217407?pwd=d1pOZmF1OWlseEdZRVBpV3VuSkl3dz09

ID : 897 821 7407

