

Does this AI matter to you? Developing and interpreting AI models from human perspectives

  • 1,443
Prof. Kyungsik Han(Hanyang University) / 2022.06.03

Does this AI matter to you? developing and interpreting AI models from human perspectives.

While the applications of AI technologies are expanding to many domains with various purposes, one of the emerging challenges is the development and application of AI to somewhat complex domains in which many subjective judgments or perceptions are involved. This asks for a more careful approach to designing and utilizing AI models for such domains. In this talk, I will present some of my group’s research results on the development of human-centered AI and the understanding of human-AI interactions in the context of fashion and stress management. I will discuss some important aspects that can aid in supporting human and AI interactive and achieving their goals.

Kyungsik Han is an associate professor in the Department of Data Science and Graduate School of Artificial Intelligence at Hanyang University. His research interests include human-computer interaction, social computing, and immersive experience through AI development. His research group is investigating how people use and interact with technology through social, cognitive, and psychological viewpoints, building intelligent systems, and suggesting design insights and implications for better user experience. He has published a number of papers related to Human and AI at CHI, WWW, CSCW, CIKM, etc.

▣ Zoom URL : https://postech-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/97754060329?pwd=TUlkdjlqVGV6U1BiZzl4aEZVL2Y3Zz09
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