

Challenges of national research network(KREONET) for the advaned science research

  • 3,256
박형우 센터장(한국과학기술정보연구원) / 2017.11.22

– 2000 – PhD in Information & Communication Engineering, SungKyunKwan Univ,
– 1996 – MS in Information & Communication Engineering, SungKyunKwan Univ, Korea
– 1985 – BS in Electronics, Seoul City Univ. Korea,

Research Interests

SDN (Software Defined Networking)
Computing Grid & Data Grid
High Speed Networking & Network Security

Professional Activities

Director, Dept of Advanced KREOnet Center, KISTI (2015 ~ )
Principal Researcher, Supercomputing Center ( 2001 ~ )
Professor, Dept of Grid Computing , UST (2005 ~ )
Senior Researcher, ETRI (1997 ~ 2000)
Researcher & Senior Researcher , KIST/SERI , (1985 ~ 1997)



I am introducing challenges and issues of KREONet to effectively support advanced scientific research with Big Data, AI, etc in today’s high-tech based R&E networks, represented by 100 Giga Networking and SDN Application. Mainly, it is about the issue that scientist who don’t know IT can easily utilize advanced KREONet service. The challenge technologies (keywords) are ScienceDMZ, Flex Grid Networking, KRONET-SDN, KREONENET-CLOUD, 100 Giga Networking, KREONet Security. Rather than competing with the R&D of core technology. We try to solve the current impossible problems of R&D field by making the most of existing technologies. I think the definition of the future is a world that the impossible is gone.
