2016.10.05(Wed) ‘Mobile augmented reality technologies and its applications’ – Jae-In Hwang 황재인..
2016.08.19 2,296 -
2016.10.19(wed) ‘IoTcube: an automated analysis platform for finding security vulnerabilities’ – Heejo..
2016.08.19 2,433 -
2016.10.26(Wed) ‘Automated Software Debugging: A Mutation-Based Approach’ – Shin Hong 홍 신 교수(H..
2016.08.19 2,384 -
2016.11.09(Wed) ‘머신러닝 기반 선별적 프로그램 분석’ – Hakjoo Oh 오학주교수 (Kore..
2016.08.19 2,933 -
2016.09.21(Wed) ‘Testing and Verification of Mission-Critical Software for Safety’ -배현섭대표(Suresoft..
2016.08.19 3,141 -
2016.11.16(Wed) ‘포스테키안 스타트업 101’ – 이경준대표(Nomad Connection 노매드커넥..
2016.08.19 2,562 -
2016.09.07 (Wed) ‘Unsupervised visual object discovery and learning’ – Minsu Cho 조민수교수(POST..
2016.08.11 2,683 -
2016-1학기 컴공세미나
2016.03.18 3,739 -
2015학년도 2학기 정기세미나 안내
2015.09.14 4,082 -
2014학년도 2학기 정기세미나 안내
2015.04.14 2,530