[ 2017.11.15 Wed ]
Reading pain and emotions from the brain, language, and faces: Building new digital markers
우충완 교수(성균관대 기초과학연구원)2017.10.26 2,966 -
[ 2017.11.10 Fri ]
Future of Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality and Samsung’s New Challenge
홍성훈상무(삼성전자종합기술원)2017.10.26 3,222 -
[ 2017.11.08 Wed ]
Simplifying the development of complex network functions with mOS
박경수 교수(KAIST)2017.10.26 2,963 -
[ 2017.10.25 Wed ]
System Interconnect: New Frontier in Computer Systems
김동준 교수(KAIST)2017.10.23 3,154 -
[ 2017.10.23 Mon ]
Exploring Non Volatile Memory From Data Centers to Connected Devices.
정명수 교수(연세대학교)2017.09.25 4,009 -
[ 2017.10.20 Fri ]
Bridging Theory and Practice: Towards More Accurate Wireless Sensing
하상태 교수(University of Colorado Boulder)2017.10.16 3,111 -
[ 2017.10.18 Wed ]
Principles vs Observations: How do people and animals move?
이제희 교수(서울대학교)2017.09.25 3,315 -
[ 2017.10.12 Thu ]
스마트 운송로봇 – 4차 산업혁명 시대의 스마트 물류시스템
김화룡 대표((주)웨이브엠)2017.09.28 3,560 -
[ 2017.10.11 Wed ]
Virtual Reality: Sharing Experiences
김형석 교수(건국대학교)2017.09.25 2,446 -
[ 2017.10.11 Wed ]
Virtual Reality: Sharing Experiences
김형석 교수(건국대학교)2017.08.30 3,402