[ 2017.10.18 Wed ]
Principles vs Observations: How do people and animals move?
이제희 교수(서울대학교)2017.09.25 3,152 -
[ 2017.10.12 Thu ]
스마트 운송로봇 – 4차 산업혁명 시대의 스마트 물류시스템
김화룡 대표((주)웨이브엠)2017.09.28 3,404 -
[ 2017.10.11 Wed ]
Virtual Reality: Sharing Experiences
김형석 교수(건국대학교)2017.09.25 2,307 -
[ 2017.10.11 Wed ]
Virtual Reality: Sharing Experiences
김형석 교수(건국대학교)2017.08.30 3,261 -
[ 2017.09.27 Wed ]
치안과학기술 R&D를 통한 스마트치안
권태형 박사(치안정책연구소)2017.08.30 2,785 -
[ 2017.09.20 Wed ]
Educational smart farm system for developing world
손문탁 박사(Joy Institute of Technology)2017.08.30 3,543 -
[ 2017.09.13 Wed ]
Systematic Approach to Infrastructure Resiliency for a Leading Telco
이강원 상무(SK Telecom)2017.08.30 2,667 -
[ 2017.09.06 Wed ]
A Configurable V&V Framework using formal behavioral patterns for Automotive Control Software
최윤자 교수(경북대학교)2017.08.30 3,714 -
[ 2017.06.07 Wed ]
Attention, Context and Knowledge in Recurrent Neural Networks
최희열교수(한동대학교)2017.04.21 3,504 -
[ 2017.05.24 Wed ]
An Exploratory Study of Marking Menu Selection by Visually Impaired Participants
김기범교수(계명대학교)2017.04.21 3,310