[ 2019.05.03 Fri ]
Vulnerability Analysis for Blockchain Software Security
이희조 교수(고려대학교)2019.04.12 3,782 -
[ 2019.04.24 Wed ]
Large scale outdoor RGB+D dataset and its application to single image depth estimation
민동보 교수(이화여자대학교)2019.04.05 3,276 -
[ 2019.04.17 Wed ]
Applying Deep Learning to 360° and Event Cameras
윤국진 교수(KAIST)2019.04.05 3,296 -
[ 2019.04.10 Wed ]
How does Haptics improve user experience?
박건혁 교수(GIST)2019.04.05 2,909 -
[ 2019.04.03 Wed ]
Mobile Computing: Multi-Device Platforms
신인식 교수(KAIST)2019.03.25 3,291 -
[ 2019.04.01 Mon ]
[특별세미나]Client-defined Distributed Data Storage: From Research to Product
정재윤 박사(Myota Inc)2019.03.25 3,089 -
[ 2019.03.28 Thu ]
인공지능 시대의 윤리학
목광수 교수(서울시립대학교)2019.03.12 4,506 -
[ 2019.03.27 Wed ]
New Era in Data Protection for Machine Learning
김태훈 박사((주)딥핑소스)2019.03.12 3,769 -
[ 2019.03.21 Thu ]
컴퓨터와 입법정책
신용우 변호사(국회입법조사처)2019.02.14 3,331 -
[ 2019.03.20 Wed ]
Challenges and Opportunities in On-device Visual Intelligence
한재준 Master(삼성전자종합기술원)2019.02.14 4,109