[ 2020.12.18 Fri ]
On the Versatility of Artificial Intelligence
노현우 박사(Open AI)2020.12.17 1,869 -
[ 2020.12.16 Wed ]
Learning and Control under Uncertainty
임성빈 교수(UNIST)2020.12.15 2,156 -
[ 2020.12.09 Wed ]
Architectural Support for Emerging Neural Networks
장한휘 교수(아주대학교)2020.12.08 2,760 -
[ 2020.12.02 Wed ]
Toward Annotation Efficient Learning for Computer Vision
오태현 교수(POSTECH)2020.12.08 1,983 -
[ 2020.11.25 Wed ]
Beyond AI Models, Towards AI Systems
여진영 교수(연세대학교)2020.11.24 1,833 -
[ 2020.11.18 Wed ]
자율주행 객체인식 인공지능(SVNet) 개발
제홍모 CTO(Stradvision)2020.11.17 2,338 -
[ 2020.11.11 Wed ]
Better, Cheaper, and Faster Than Humans: Automated Test Generation for Improving Software Quality
김윤호 교수(한양대학교)2020.11.10 1,809 -
[ 2020.11.04 Wed ]
Modeling Sequences with Memoization
김동우 교수(POSTECH)2020.11.03 1,778 -
[ 2020.10.21 Wed ]
Challenges in Architecting Next-Generation GPUs for Graphics and AI
김영석 교수(연세대학교)2020.10.20 1,802 -
[ 2020.10.14 Wed ]
Human-Object Interaction Detection
김현우 교수(고려대학교)2020.10.13 3,555