[ 2021.10.13 Wed ]
“Improving performance issues of an HW/SW interface: The Virtual Memory”
박창현 교수 (Uppsala University)2021.09.15 2,113 -
[ 2021.10.08 Fri ]
“Rebellions 1.0 : Extremely low-latency yet energy-efficient deep learning ASIC for AI-enabled high frequency tra..
오진욱 CTO (Rebellions)2021.09.15 2,181 -
[ 2021.10.06 Wed ]
“Virtual point removal for large-scale 3D point clouds”
심재영 교수 (UNIST)2021.09.15 1,978 -
[ 2021.09.29 Wed ]
“UX Challenges for AI/ML products”
홍화정 교수 (카이스트)2021.09.07 2,086 -
[ 2021.09.15 Wed ]
“On the Value of Data”
고봉준 상무 (삼성전자)2021.09.07 2,452 -
[ 2021.09.10 Fri ]
“Order Learning and Its Applications to Computer Vision”
김창수 교수 (고려대학교)2021.09.07 1,687 -
[ 2021.09.08 Wed ]
“컴퓨터공학도를 위한 거시경제학”
김선태 교수 (한동대학교)2021.09.07 2,301 -
[ 2021.06.18 Fri ]
“Recent Developments on Logistic Linear Bandits”
전광성 교수님 (University of Arizona)2021.06.17 2,171 -
[ 2021.06.02 Wed ]
“Spine, and the Future”
최건 원장님 (포항우리병원)2021.06.02 2,135 -
[ 2021.05.28 Fri ]
“Digital Art & Future Technology”
조충연 교수 (한국예술종합대학교)2021.05.27 2,195