[ 2022.03.02 Wed ]
Applying advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques to clinical proteomics
김상태 CTO(Bertis Bioscience)2022.02.25 1,769 -
[ 2022.02.17 Thu ]
Understanding the Network Vulnerability Mechanism in Alzheimer’s Disease
Prof. Guorong Wu (UNC Chapel Hill)2022.02.15 1,759 -
[ 2022.02.11 Fri ]
Efficient Deep Learning on Model, Data, Label and Beyond
Zhiqiang Shen(HKUST)2022.02.11 2,008 -
[ 2022.02.10 Thu ]
Shortcut learning in Machine Learning: Challenges, Examples, Solutions
Sanghyuk Chun, Lead Research Scientist at NAVER AI Lab2022.02.08 1,689 -
[ 2022.02.09 Wed ]
Benchmarks for unsupervised reinforcement learning and preference-based reinforcement learning
Kimin Lee, Researcher at Google Brain2022.02.08 1,686 -
[ 2022.02.04 Fri ]
Understanding Infinite-Width Deep Neural Networks
Jaehoon Lee (Senior Research Scientist at Google Brain)2022.02.03 2,081 -
[ 2022.02.03 Thu ]
Current trends in drug discovery with machine learning and computational chemistry
류성옥 연구원 (GALUX)2022.01.28 1,690 -
[ 2022.01.17 Mon ]
Label-Efficient Deep Learning
손기혁 박사 (Google)2022.01.17 1,707 -
[ 2022.01.03 Mon ]
Designing High-Performance and Correct Storage Systems for Non-Volatile Memory
김욱희 박사 (Virginia Tech)2021.12.30 1,865 -
[ 2021.12.17 Fri ]
Towards AI-Driven Mobile Systems
하상태 교수(Univ. Colorado Boulder)2021.12.10 1,983