[ 2022.02.04 Fri ]
Understanding Infinite-Width Deep Neural Networks
Jaehoon Lee (Senior Research Scientist at Google Brain)2022.02.03 1,730 -
[ 2022.02.03 Thu ]
Current trends in drug discovery with machine learning and computational chemistry
류성옥 연구원 (GALUX)2022.01.28 1,412 -
[ 2022.01.17 Mon ]
Label-Efficient Deep Learning
손기혁 박사 (Google)2022.01.17 1,439 -
[ 2022.01.03 Mon ]
Designing High-Performance and Correct Storage Systems for Non-Volatile Memory
김욱희 박사 (Virginia Tech)2021.12.30 1,597 -
[ 2021.12.17 Fri ]
Towards AI-Driven Mobile Systems
하상태 교수(Univ. Colorado Boulder)2021.12.10 1,625 -
[ 2021.12.15 Wed ]
Data Efficiency and Privacy Preservation for Personalized Machine Learning Models: from the Perspective of Audio Applica..
김민제 교수(Indiana University)2021.12.06 1,820 -
[ 2021.12.08 Wed ]
Optimizing homomorphic evaluation circuits by program synthesis and term rewriting
이우석 교수 (한양대학교)2021.11.24 1,567 -
[ 2021.12.01 Wed ]
Machine Learning As A Service
안익진 대표(Moloco)2021.11.12 1,566 -
[ 2021.11.24 Wed ]
“현대자동차의 모빌리티 서비스 플랫폼 기술”
주영현 책임연구원 (현대자동차)2021.10.18 1,989 -
[ 2021.11.10 Wed ]
Neural ‘Architecture’ search
이진호 교수 (연세대학교)2021.10.18 1,675