3월16일(수)Research and Development for Surgical Innovations in Health Care Technology: Microsurgical Robotics 세미나
3월16일(수) 아래와 같은 세미나가 한국로봇융합연구원 1층 화상회의실에서 열리니
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Research and Development for Surgical Innovations
in Health Care Technology: Microsurgical Robotics
Overview:UTHealth Microsurgical Robotics
Laboratory designs and develops next-generation microsurgical robotic
devices for minimally invasive
surgeries. It consists of a Research and Development Team of expert engineers
and surgeons located within the heart of the Texas Medical Center in Houston,
Mission:To develop state-of-the-art, minimally invasive microsurgical devices to perform surgical
procedures in delicate regions that cannot be reached by current technology,
such as in the brain or in small-size pediatric populations, as well as fetal
procedures. Through telerobotic capabilities, patients can be treated remotely
when living in any region of the world where special surgical procedures are
not otherwise readily accessible.
Research: UTHealth
Microsurgical Robotics Laboratory will expand the
possibilities of robotic surgery by creating the first microsurgical robotic system delicate enough for brain
surgery, yet robust enough to perform traditional abdominal surgeries.
Telerobotic capabilities will allow surgeons from the best medical centers to
reach more patients, and provide the same quality of care to remote hospitals
around the world
The microsurgical robot features three
miniaturized instruments and one stereoscopic camera that fit into one of four
ports of the robotic arm. This allows for just one, single incision. The
robotic arm is flexible, featuring several joints, so that it moves dexterously
and precisely. Instruments can be interchanged and come in a wide selection of
specialized tip designs to enable a broad range of microsurgical operations.
The stereoscopic camera allows 3D visualization of the surgical field. Each
instrument can be sterilized and then reused later – allowing a cost effective
design. A master controller controls the robotic arm remotely. This controller
offers haptic feedback, giving the surgeon more information than current
available robotic systems. These miniaturized, dexterous tools are what give
the robotic the capability of performing highly complex procedures.