

2016.09.21(Wed) ‘Testing and Verification of Mission-Critical Software for Safety’ -배현섭대표(Suresoft Technologies Inc.슈어소프트테크)

  • 3,218
-TitileTesting and Verification of Mission-Critical Software for Safety 

-Biograpy : 배현섭 (슈어소프트테크(주)대표이사)




KAIST 전산학과 학사(’93),석사(’95), 박사(’99)

[주요 경력 사항]

슈어소프트테크㈜ 창업 및 대표이사(’, ’02.03.~)

KAIST 소프트웨어대학원 겸임교수 (’09 ~ ’13)

소프트웨어 테스팅 산업협의회 초대 회장(’09 ~ ’11)

전자통신연구원(ETRI) 선임연구원(’99

~ ’00)

[  ]

2009 : 지식 경제부 장관 표창(신기술


1999 : KAIST 우수 박사 논문상



-Abstract:Testing and Verification of Mission-Critical Software for Safety

In these days, software controls most of mission-critical systems including flight control system, nuclear power plant, autonomous driving, and express train.

Failures in mission-critical systems may cause harmful accidents on human lives and environmental conditions.

A series of international standards enforces to test and verify mission-critical software thoroughly.This seminar will categorize mission-critical software according to their integrity levels,and explain how to test and verify them with some field examples.
