

2011학년도 1학기 정기세미나 안내

  • 4,213

2011년도 1학기 컴퓨터공학과 세미나 과목 수업 운영기준

•  3월  2일(수)         홍원기 교수 (POSTECH)
                             “세미나과목의 전반적 진행 설명

•  3월  9일(수)         Dr.전구 (U.of Michigan)
                             Learning with Spatially Varying Data

•  3월  16일(수)       Jin Namkoong (LG CNS)
                             “Global Shipper;s Transformation in Logistics Service Procurement”

•  3월  23일(수)        Lars Arge (Aarhus Univ. Denmark)
                             I/O-efficient algorithms for processing massive terrain data

•  3월  30일(수)       이재길교수 (KAIST 지식서비스공학과)
                             “Traffic Data Classification”

•  4월  6일(수)         Dr.Jae W.Lee (Parakinetics,Inc.)
                             The Case for Hardware Support for Quality-of-Service (QoS) in Shared Memory Systems”

•  4월  13일(수)         김래현교수 (KIST)
                             Haptic applications in medicine and industry

•  4월  15일(금)         Prof. M. Jamal Deen (U.of McMaster)
   p.m.4:00~            The Role of Computer Scientists in u-Healthcare Research

•  4월  20일(수)       중간고사

•  4월  27일(수)         김종원 교수 (광주 과기대)
                             FIRST@PC: A Service-oriented Future Internet Testbed

•  5월  4일(수)        Prof. James Won-Ki Hong(POSTECH)
                            “Smartphonomics: Convergence using Smart Phones and Devices”

•  5월  11일(수)        Prof. Seong-Ho Jeong(한국외국어대)
                             Multimedia Systems and Applications

•  5월  18일(수)        Prof. John Kim(KAIST)
                             Next-generation Interconnect for Multicore Computing

•  5월  25일(수)        Prof. Min-Soo Kim(DGIST)
                             Fast Constant-Time Query Processing using New H/W Features

•  6월  1일(수)        여명숙 교수(POSTECH 인문사회학부)
                             융합기술,게임, 그 욕망의 블랙홀에 대하여

•  4월  27일(수)         이성길 교수 (성균관대)
                             real-time rendering of lens effects

•  6월  15일(수)      기말고사



•  3월  7일(월)        Dr. Kevin A. Kwiat (U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory) 
                           Replica Voting Based Data Collection: Adaptive Protocols and Application Studies

•  4월  29일(금)      장동고 (책임연구원, LG CNS)
   p.m.1:30~         “IT 서비스 업체의 R&D 역할과 LG CNS 정보기술연구원의 R&D 현황”

•  5월  2일(월)        Dr. Hsiao-Wuen Hon (Managing Director, Microsoft Research Asia)
    p.m.4:10~        “From Ubiquitous Computing to Ubiquitous Harmony”
    lg연구동 강당


                ♣ 일  시 : 매주 수요일 4시
                ♣ 장  소 : 공학 2동 102호
                ♣ 문  의 : 컴퓨터공학과 사무실 (279-2911)  

