
[전자전기공학과정기세미나]Dr. Quirino Balzano (University of Maryland),10.06.18, 2:45pm ~ 4:15pm

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[Electronic and Electrical Engineering Regular Seminar Series]

Physical Mechanisms of Radiofrequency

Interaction with Biological Systems


◈ Speaker: Dr. Quirino Balzano (University of Maryland)

◈ Date & Time: Friday, June 18, 2010 (2:45pm ~ 4:15pm)

◈ Place: LG Research Building, Room #101

◈ Host: Prof. Wee Sang Park (Tel. 2224)

◈ Sponsor: Dept. of EEE & Educational Institute of Future Information Technology



The interaction of electromagnetic fields up to 1 THz with the ions, atoms and molecules of biological systems has given rise to a large number of established and speculative biophysical mechanisms applicable over a wide range of time and distance scales, field amplitudes, frequencies, and waveforms. This presentation focuses on the physical principles that guide quantitative assessment of mechanisms applicable for exposures at or below the level of endogenous electric fields associated with development, wound healing, and excitation of muscles and the nervous system (generally, 1 to 100 V/ m), with emphasis on conditions where temperature increases are insignificant(much less than 1 K).

