Yunho Kim is an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at Hanyang Univ. His research focuses on automated software testing and debugging techniques using logic-driven approaches such as symbolic execution as well as data-driven approaches such as fuzzing. Also, he has closely worked with industries such as Samsung electronics, Hyundai motors, Hyundai mobis, etc to spread out automated software testing techniques and detected many critical bugs in real-world industrial projects. He obtained his Ph.D in Computer Science from KAIST in 2017, advised by Prof. Moonzoo Kim. Prior to joining Hanyang Univ., he was a postdoctoral researcher from 2017 to 2018 and research assistant professor from 2018 to 2020 in the School of Computing at KAIST.
Software testing is a key process to improve the quality of software. However, current manual testing practice in industries makes software testing ineffective and inefficient to detect critical bugs in software, because the complexity of software and the cost of human developers are rapidly increasing. On the other hand, the cost computing resources becomes cheaper and cheaper with the help of the improvement of computing hardware and cloud computing technology. My research goal is to develop scientific software testing techniques that utilize the cheap computing resources to effectively and efficiently detect bugs in software. In this talk, I will present automated software test generation techniques, CONBRIO and FOCAL.
ID : 897 821 7407