Performance implications of spatial diversity on network protocols and their control

  • 3,631

*특별세미나 이며 정보통신연구소 세미나실(222호)에서 5:15~ 개최됩니다*

Abstract: Recent works have shown the importance of PHY layer effects on higher

layer network protocols and their performance, including coding, MAC,

and transport protocols. In this talk, we will discuss the performance

effects of spatial diversity in indoor wireless environments that

operate as IEEE 802.11 hot spots. We will show that severe unfairness

can result when 2.4-5 GHz spectra are mediated by DCF (distributed

coordination function), 802.11’s multiple access protocol. We will show

that the physics of the wireless medium can be managed through legacy

compatible network layer controls that mitigate unfairness. Our results

are derived from a combination of ray tracing, network simulation, and

experiments. We will conclude with a discussion of related PHY inspired

problems and their impact on network software.


Bio: Kihong Park is an associate professor in the Department of Computer

Science at Purdue University. Prof. Park’s research spans the design

and control of network systems, dynamics of large-scale distributed

systems, and emotive computing systems. In networking, he has published


INFOCOM, and has edited two books “Self-Similar Network Traffic and

Performance Evaluation” (Wiley-Interscience 2000) and “The Internet as

a Large-Scale Complex System” (Oxford University Press 2005) with

Walter Willinger. Prof. Park was a Presidential University Fellow at

Boston University, a recipient of the NSF CAREER Award, a Fellow-at-Large

of the Santa Fe Institute, and served on several international program

committees and government panels. His research has been supported by

grants from government and industry including Army, DARPA, ETRI, Intel,

NSF, SFI, Sprint, and Xerox.