ScaleCache: A Scalable Page Cache for Multiple Solid-State Drives

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This paper presents a scalable page cache called ScaleCache for improving SSD scalability. Specifically, we first propose a concurrent data structure of page cache based on XArray (ccXArray) to enable access and update the page cache concurrently. Second, we introduce a direct page flush (dflush) which directly flushes pages to storage devices in a parallel and opportunistic manner. We implement ScaleCache with two techniques in the Linux kernel and evaluate it on a 64-core machine with eight NVMe SSDs. Our evaluations show that ScaleCache improves the performance of Linux file systems by up to 6.81X and 4.50X compared with the existing scheme and scalable scheme for multiple SSDs, respectively.


Yongseok Son is an Associate Professor in Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Chung-Ang University. He was a postdoctoral research associate at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He earned the PhD and MS degrees in Department of Intelligent Convergence Systems and Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Seoul National University in 2012 and 2018, respectively, and received the BS degree in Information and Computer Engineering from Ajou University in 2010. His current research interests include system software, operating systems, file and storage systems, parallel/distributed systems, and database systems. His works have been published in top-tier system conferences such as ATC, EuroSys, FAST, ICDE, and HPDC.