[ 2019.12.11 Wed ]
Computational Video: Enhancing User Experience of Video Playback
조성현 교수(POSTECH)2019.11.28 3,492 -
[ 2019.12.04 Wed ]
It’s all about representations and their dynamics-towards brain decoding of thoughts and feelings
우충완 교수(성균관대학교)2019.11.28 4,489 -
[ 2019.11.27 Wed ]
Toward Intuitive Imagery: Machine Learning and Computer Vision for User Friendly Imagery Manipulation and Exploration
김광인 교수(UNIST)2019.11.20 3,846 -
[ 2019.11.25 Mon ]
[특별세미나]Reducing Annotation Cost in Visual Recognition
유동근 박사(Lunit)2019.11.07 3,049 -
[ 2019.11.20 Wed ]
Why, How, What can a mathematician contribute in machine learning?
황형주 교수(POSTECH)2019.11.07 2,658 -
[ 2019.11.13 Wed ]
Structured reinforcement learning
옥정슬 교수(POSTECH)2019.11.07 4,117 -
[ 2019.11.11 Mon ]
탈중앙화시대의 도래: 분산ID를 통한 데이터 주권 회복
김종협 대표(아이콘루프)2019.11.07 4,997 -
[ 2019.11.06 Wed ]
3D geometry and future technology
김영민 교수(서울대학교)2019.11.07 2,770 -
[ 2019.11.05 Tue ]
[특별세미나]One-Shot Object Detection by Matching Anchor Features
Dr.Anton Osokin(Samsung-HSE Laboratory &HSE University2019.11.07 3,609 -
[ 2019.10.30 Wed ]
Exploiting SW Information for Efficient Memory Hierarchy and Resource Management
성효진 교수(POSTECH)2019.10.16 2,881