[ 2021.11.03 Wed ]
“AI Market & Startup Strategies”
배수현 대표 (Bobidi)2021.10.18 1,510 -
[ 2021.10.25 Mon ]
[특별세미나] A Validated Semantics for LLVM IR
이준영 박사2021.10.20 1,719 -
[ 2021.10.20 Wed ]
“Smart Mobility Platform을 위한 AI”
이성민 책임연구원 (현대자동차)2021.10.12 1,490 -
[ 2021.10.15 Fri ]
“Recent Topics in Deep Learning based Drug Discovery”
신봉근 대표 (Deargen USA)2021.10.07 1,747 -
[ 2021.10.14 Thu ]
“Time Series Data Analysis via Deep Learning for Mobile and Embedded Computing”
고정길 교수 (연세대학교)2021.10.07 1,405 -
[ 2021.10.13 Wed ]
“Improving performance issues of an HW/SW interface: The Virtual Memory”
박창현 교수 (Uppsala University)2021.09.15 1,751 -
[ 2021.10.08 Fri ]
“Rebellions 1.0 : Extremely low-latency yet energy-efficient deep learning ASIC for AI-enabled high frequency tra..
오진욱 CTO (Rebellions)2021.09.15 1,745 -
[ 2021.10.06 Wed ]
“Virtual point removal for large-scale 3D point clouds”
심재영 교수 (UNIST)2021.09.15 1,589 -
[ 2021.09.29 Wed ]
“UX Challenges for AI/ML products”
홍화정 교수 (카이스트)2021.09.07 1,726 -
[ 2021.09.15 Wed ]
“On the Value of Data”
고봉준 상무 (삼성전자)2021.09.07 2,099